科技发展与消费主义致力于解决睡眠问题的同时,也制造着睡眠问题 睡眠是—件孤独、不可分享的事吗?也许它曾经是,但在如今这个被科技和消费主义包围的时代,只要你有智能设备相伴,你就不是一个人在睡觉——算法无时无刻不在观察你,企业家借助观察所得的大数据,亲切地戳中你的痛点,精确指引出消费的方向。
根據使用電子日誌系統的實驗數據,填寫率由紙本日誌的平均75.8% 上升至85.0%,而遵囑率則由紙本日誌的平均53.3% 上升至64.5%。此外,為了提高患者進行放鬆練習的時間,我們研發一款多媒體放鬆引導助眠器,此系統稱為“互動多媒體輔助睡眠系統”(Interactive Multimedia Assisting System for Sleep,iM-asleep)。iM-asleep 同時提供影像與聲音的引導,讓患者可以根據iM-asleep 提供的引導調整呼吸節奏,以此達到放鬆的效果。
行動應用系統則提供患者作息處方的瀏覽與提醒,簡易的記錄方式,放鬆引導影片教學,CBT-I 相關知識的介紹和睡眠狀況的分析.根據使用電子日誌系統的實驗數據,填寫率由紙本日誌的平均75.8% 上升至85.0%,而遵囑率則由紙本日誌的平均53.3% 上升至64.5%.此外,為了提高患者進行放鬆練習的時間,我們研發一款多媒體放鬆引導助眠器,此系統稱為"互動多媒體輔助睡眠系統"(Interactive Multimedia Assisting System for Sleep,iM-asleep).iM-asleep 同時提供影像與聲音的引導,讓患者可以根據iM-asleep 提供的引導調整呼吸節奏,以此達到放鬆的效果.
In this study, we developed an assisting system Win Win aSleep(WWaS) that improving sleep quality, WWaS included two subsystems, which are “Electronic Diary System” and “Interactive Multimedia Assisting System for Sleep”(iM-asleep). Cognitive Bahavioral Therapy for Insomnia(CBT-I) is a combination of psychological and behavioral therapies for treating insomnia. In CBT-I, the therapist need to know patient’s lifestyle and then give suggestions of modification. For resolved the problem of recording inconvenient, we developed a subsystem “Electronic Diary System”. Electronic Diary System included cloud application and mobile application, cloud application assist therapists managing patients’s behavioral regimen, and analysing patients’s behavioral regimen and trends of sleep quality. Mobile application assist patient browsing prescribed behavioral regimen, reminding prescribed behavioral regimen, recording lifestyle, coaching relaxation, introducing CBT-I knowledge, and analysing sleep quality. We compared the average fill rate and average adherence by using hand-written diary and electronic diary system respectively. Average fill rate of hand-written diary is 75.8% and average fill rate of electronic diary system is 85.0%, average adherence of pa- per diary is 53.3% and average adherence of electronic diary system is 64.5%. Besides, we developed multimedia relaxation guiding machine iM-asleep for promoting more relaxation to patients. iM-asleep guides relaxation by animation and sounds, assists patients adjusting their breathing rhythm and achieve the effect of relaxation.