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来源: 作者: 发布日期:2022-03-31 访问次数:297


       2022318日的世界睡眠日,以「優質睡眠,美麗心靈,樂活世界」(quality sleep, sound mind, happy world)為主軸,希望即便在疫情肆虐下,仍能藉由維護優質的睡眠,迎向美好的明天! 近代工商業社會生活步調快速,過大的壓力已儼然成為現代人不可逃避免的問題。常期處於壓力下不僅衍生出各種疾病,如心血管疾病病與憂鬱症等等,不僅大幅降低了國人的工作效率也損害了人們的生活品質。

      紓壓的方法有很多種,一般常聽到的建議是適量的運動與充足的睡眠,東方文化中的瑜珈、靜坐、氣功、太極拳等等也都是很常見的舒壓方法。文獻中談到紓壓或放鬆則有幾個時常會提到的方法,包括漸進肌肉放鬆、自我暗示訓練、冥想、腹式呼吸、生理回饋等等。在這些放鬆的方法中呼吸常扮演著重要核心的角色,它是人類生理作用中唯一能自主運作卻也能有意識地去控制的機制,平常它反映了我們的身心的狀態,透過調整呼吸則能反過來調整身心的狀態。 然而,這些放鬆方法當中有許多都需要有專業的人士教導與陪伴才能進行,本論文提出基於呼吸的多媒體放鬆系統,嘗試以多媒體呼吸互動的方式來幫助使用者達到放鬆的效果。內容包含了基於彩色影像之呼吸偵測、基於呼吸的互動多媒體金字塔紓壓系統以及使用於睡前幫助入眠的呼吸引導多媒體應用程式。

     In the hectic life today, stress has become one of the inevitable problem for people. Multiple diseases derive from being long-term overstressed, including cardiovascular diseases and depression. Stress not only reduces the work efficiency but also negatively affect the quality of life of people. There are various methods for reducing stress. General suggestions are about sufficient exercise and sleep. In eastern culture, common relaxation methods include yoga, meditation, chi-gong, tai-chi etc. When talking about relaxation in literature, some topics are usually mentioned. They include progressive muscle relaxation, autogenic training, meditation, abdominal breathing, biofeedback relaxation, etc. Among these relaxation techniques, breathing has played a core role in many of them. It is the only biologic mechanism that can proceed automatically and also can be regulated consciously in human body. 

     Normally it reflects the condition of one''s mind and body. But it can also be regulated to reversely affect one''s condition of the mind and body. However, most of the relaxation techniques mentioned above require a professional to teach or accompany the practitioner. In this dissertation we focused on proposing breath-based multimedia system. Making attempt to reduce user stress through the breath-based interactive multimedia. Contents include a color video based respiration detection method, a breath-based interactive multimedia system, and finally, a breath guidance multimedia system for sleep inducing.
